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room reservation

Do you need a meeting room reservation system during a pandemic?

21 September, 2021

The pandemic is far from over but at long last, there is an end in sight. According to data provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 129 million adults in the country have received at least one shot of the COVID-19 vaccine. That represents over half of all people aged 18 and older.

As more and more people become inoculated, many people are pondering the question: “Will we be returning to the office soon?” Indeed, this article from that this scenario could happen sooner than expected, while tech giants like Google have already begun welcoming back onsite employees.

Of course, workers still have qualms about returning to the office. Luckily, a meeting room reservation app can make this transition smoother by reinforcing health and safety best practices.

The role meeting room reservation systems play in the new normal.

If your company has yet to invest in a meeting room reservation system, now is an excellent time to do so. As more people flock back into the office, you can expect a spike in meeting requests, too. And when people gather, the risk for outbreaks increases as well. Properly managing room reservations can play a crucial role in keeping workers safe.

Meetio, for example, is a meeting room reservation system that allows users to reserve venues in just a few taps on their smartphone. Because it’s part of a wider ecosystem of software and hardware tools, all reservations can be seen by everyone, thus preventing double-bookings.

This simple but useful solution can prove beneficial in many ways:

  • Find the perfect spot for your meeting – When we go back, it’s crucial that we keep up with social distancing. Meetings tend to be a risk factor as we squeeze several people into a small area. With a meeting room manager however, you can control how many people that can use the room at the same time.


  • Facilitate proper sanitation — There has never been a time when sanitizing office spaces was more vital than it is today. This is even more true after a meeting, where each desk or chair occupied must be disinfected to protect the next group that uses the room. With a meeting room reservation app, however, you can easily mark a room as occupied while it’s being cleaned. This way, no one can book a room until it has been fully sanitized and safe to be used again.

  • Track who’s been in the office — When you reserve a meeting venue using a room booking system, you have a centralized list of attendees at your fingertips. If someone were to become positive with COVID-19, it’s easy to notify all meeting attendees so they can observe the proper quarantine protocols. Being able to move quickly can help halt the spread of COVID-19 and other diseases in your office.

Indeed, technology has played a critical role in helping people adapt to working during a pandemic. As employees once again find themselves reporting to physical offices, a conference room scheduling system like Meetio can help make any workplace ready for the new normal. Read more about our solutions below!

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