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Need a Smartphone Meeting Room App?

20 November, 2020

If you're one of the 81% who own a smartphone, you likely carry this device everywhere you go. From work to social gatherings – you probably use your smartphone for a multitude of purposes. Why not include organizing and scheduling workplace events?

Paired with a meeting room app, your smartphone can allow your employees to schedule meetings, book rooms, send invites to their colleagues, and much more. Read on to learn how a robust scheduling app can boost your workplace productivity and employee satisfaction.

How Does a Smartphone Meeting Room App Work?

Meetio provides a full range of solutions for the modern workplace. If you're specifically looking to let your employees book meetings with just a few taps on their mobile devices, we have the solution for you.

The room booking app enables your employees to increase their personal productivity by letting them schedule meetings and perform related functions while on the go. The application can be accessed wherever there’s a network connection, so your staff can set meetings before reaching the office, even while they’re on public transit!

The app also shows you where the closest available meeting room is so that you can start urgent meetings more easily. If you use Meetio View, you can also access your maps in the app.

How Does the App Benefit My Business?

According to recent data, businesses waste 4.8 hours a week scheduling meetings.

Yes, you read that right! That’s an inordinate amount of time spent not on the meetings themselves, but just arranging them. Using a booking app  streamlines this process since you can simply choose a room for your meeting and send out the invitations. There's no need to call or email people individually or waste time coordinating the meeting details.

Besides that, a meeting room app also makes it easier for your employees to schedule meetings rooms that fulfill their needs. The Meetio app shows what equipment each room has and how many people that fits in it.

Ultimately, this enables your business to save money. You don’t have to worry about your employees wasting time that could have been spent on more productive tasks.

The Meetio app runs on both Android and iOS devices, so you can rest assured of its compatibility with your employees’ smartphones. It also supports integration with your existing personal calendar, whether you’re using Office 365, Exchange, or G Suite.

Start Scheduling Meetings Today

Booking meetings at work can be a real challenge without the right application. Meetio turns things around by making it incredibly easy to organize meetings.

Now that you know the advantages of partnering with a company like Meetio, it's time to get started. Request a demo of the best room scheduling app on the market and see for yourself why the Meetio app is the number one meeting room app for smartphone users.

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