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room booking

3 ways a room booking system can be useful outside the office

31 August, 2021

There’s no two ways about it: COVID-19 changed everything—including the way we work. While employees used to be chained to their desks, now they are free to work wherever they wish.

As countless companies have realized, many of the things they thought could only be done in an office setting—collaboration, brainstorming, meetings—can be done remotely just as effectively.

Hence, it’s hardly surprising that experts are mulling what the future of work will look like post-pandemic. Even publications such as the Harvard Business Review believe that remote work is here to stay, even if the country achieves total herd immunity.

If your company uses a room booking system, you may be wondering what role it will play as the workforce becomes more distributed. As it turns out, it will fit nicely into the new normal’ s work landscape.

Room booking system: also useful outside the office

It’s no secret that Americans are fond of meetings, which can take a huge chunk out of their workday. In fact, middle managers spend 35% of their time in meetings, while for C-suite executives, it could be as high as 50%—this seemed to be the case, at least until the pandemic happened.

Of course, even with people and organizations increasingly embracing remote work, in-person meetings aren’t going away anytime soon. More likely, these meetings will be a mixture of both virtual and office-based gatherings. In this context, a room booking app can be just as useful outside the office as inside. Here is how:

  • Minimize back and forth 

Unlike when people worked in the office full time, they won’t have access to a receptionist who can book a room if and when they need to hold a meeting. Luckily, a meeting room reservation system puts the power of booking a venue right in your teams hands. Options like the Meetio app for example, lets you quickly reserve a meeting room with just a few taps on your smartphone. Because all the meeting equipment is listed for each room, you can book the exact venue you need when you need it without any back and forth.

    • Book anytime, anywhere

Did your boss suddenly call for an emergency meeting tomorrow while you’re out running errands? If you have a room booking system, you can easily reserve a meeting venue even while you’re lining up at the cashier. This feature will surely be a boon to employees who work remotely, but have to report to the office periodically.

  • Cloud-based records

Double-booked rooms are the bane of all meeting organizers. If you’re not currently in the office and don’t have access to the meeting room ledger, it’ll be much harder to avoid this conundrum. Fortunately, meeting room manager systems are cloud-based, meaning you can see all bookings made beforehand, so there is no guessing. You can reserve a venue knowing it’s yours and yours alone during your chosen time slot.

As you can see, a room booking system can make your team more productive, even if they’re not together in one office. If you’d like to know more, check out our solutions below!

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