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best hot desk booking software

The best hot desk booking software in 2021

20 July, 2021

Are you looking for the best hot desk booking software on the market in 2021? In that case, we might be able to help you!

People and companies alike – we are all unique but our needs are nevertheless quite similar. So if you are looking to invest in a hot desk booking software, we think we know what type of features you're looking for!

Easy to use

Intuitive to use - simple to understand for all. Features to look for:

  • Comes with a phone app

meetio deskThis is the baseline for successful hot desking. Your hot desking software should come with an app that lets people do, view, and manage their bookings.

  • Book in advance

The solution should let you book your desk in advance for the days you're coming into the office. It saves you time and helps you plan ahead.

  • Book directly 

Book your desk directly on the spot from your phone. Ad-hoc bookings shouldn't be harder than booking in advance!

  • Locate your desk

With a tool that uses interactive floor-plan maps, you can easily locate your booked desk and other available spaces. You can also see where there are free seats and meeting rooms to book.

  • Check-in and check out

Check-in desk bookings through QR-codes via your phone. When you check out or don't check in your booking, the desk automatically becomes available for others to use.

  • Find your team

See who's in the office and where they are located in the app. Perfect when you want to find a seat close to your team or a specific coworker.

Easy to manage

Get better use of your workspaces without putting in a lot of effort. Less job for you, less trouble for your organization.

  • Central and cloud-based management

A central, cloud-based, and user-friendly administration tool is your best friend. Our solutions come with Meetio Admin, a management tool that you easily set up and manage.

  • Scalable

Your hot desk booking software should be easy to scale down and scale up if necessary. When you start with hot desking, you need to find the perfect balance of how many desks you need. This can take a little time and you will need to do alterations. Your hot desking tool shouldn't be an obstacle. 

  • Optimize utilization of workspaces

Business-wise, the best thing about hot desking is that it can save you money on real estate. Instead of having one desk per person, people share desks which means less space is needed. For example, you don't need to find a new lease when you hire new people. 

  • Workplace insights

Find out how your workplace is used with smart workplace analytics. See which desks are booked, how your utilization rate changes during the week, and make decisions based on that data.

  • Easy to deploy

No one likes software that is complicated to deploy and implement. The same goes for hot desk tools.

  • Low maintenance

No one likes tools that create more issues than it reduces, either. An elegant solution is not complex, it's simple. 

Bonus: Covid safe

In the aftermath of the pandemic, we want to do everything we can to avoid a new outbreak. A good hot desking software can help to make your workplace safer for you, your employees, and your visitors when it's time to return to the office.

  • Manage social distancing

Decide which desks are free to book or not based on
You can also decide to only support in advance bookings to make sure no one without a desk booking enters the office. 

  • Track who's been in the office

Get data on who's been in the office. So if there's been an outbreak, you can easily track down those who have been within distance.

  • Manage capacity

By deciding how many desks in the office are open for bookings and only allow people with a desk booking to enter – you have automatically managed and reduced your office capacity. 

  • Touch-free bookings

The less we touch things the better. With phone apps and QR-codes, bookings don't require any touching but are done totally touch-free.

Did we tick all your boxes? If yes, you should definitely check out our hot desk solution Meetio Desk to know more. You can also book a demo with one of our experts and we will tell you everything!

Woman booking a meeting room

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